October 21-22 – main conference
October 20 and October 23 – pre-cons and post-cons
Warsaw / EXPO XXI

About .NET DeveloperDays 2025
.NET DeveloperDays is the biggest event in Central and Eastern Europe dedicated exclusively to application development on the .NET platform. It is designed for architects, developers, testers, and project managers using .NET in their work and for those who want to improve their knowledge and skills in this field. The conference content is 100% English, making it easy for the international audience to attend.
The conference will be held in hybrid mode.
For those who registered for in-person participation – at the venue and to register for online participation – remotely.
Pre-cons and Post-cons will be held only in an in-person format.
If you would like to speak to our participants, get to know them a little better and present your company to a wider audience, take a chance and become a .NET DeveloperDays Partner!